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take time for YOURSELF


Personal Coaching

As a certified Coach I work value-oriented and systemic.

I procede according the St. Galler Coaching Methode, which tends to your personal issues, in depth and context-unrelated..

I support you in achieving your personally set goals.

The objective of my work is to guide you, so you can grow indepentely. Togehter we identify you biggest challenges in your life, so you can overcome them with confidence. Only then will you be able to commit to your true self and have a happier and healthier life.


Health- und Resilience Coaching

In Health Coaching we look at your symptoms and ascertain their history and source, to reduce pressure permanently. Fears will be identified and decreased. Your psyche, body and mind shall be aligned with each other.

With Resilience Coaching you can strengthen your power of resistance towards pressure and stress.


Relaxationtechniques - individual or group

Mindfulness is a widespread concept. I offer, individually or in group setting, guided body scans. During personal appointments I can offer a variety of exercises in mindfulness.

I also offer, individually or in group setting, Progressive Muscel Relaxation (PMR) according to Jacobson, as another relaxation technique.

Dear Andrea, I found it really great with you. It was restful and at the same time challenging and educational. I felt comfortable with you and was able to really open up in the warm atmoshpere you created. I learned a lot about myself and am able to use that knowledge to further work on myself. With your help I am able to become the best version of myself and see the people aound me with new eyes. I can recommend, everybody, no matter your current situation, to complete one of those coaching cycles. If I learned anything, it is that in anything considered bad is a lot of good hidden.

Sophie, 23 years

About me

My name is Andrea Winzeler

Born and raised in a rural area in Schaffhausen.

I am working as a nurse in Psychiatry since 2010, in 2020 I started my current job as head nurse on a Psychotherapy ward for depression and phobias. 

I have found my professional passion in Coaching. Which is why, after completing my training as a value-oriented, systemic Coach, I immediately added the training as health and resilience Coach.

My personal passion is travelling around the world.

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The mud will wash off - the memories stay forever.


For more information, inquieries about appointments or prices, please contact me directly


WhatsApp: (+41) 077/531 67 47


Arova Halle

Gebäude Knäuelei, Tür 4

Winterthurerstrasse 713

8247 Flurlingen

How to get there

Bus leaving Schaffhausen train station


B634 (towards Dachsen)

B630 (towards Marthalen)

Bus stop: Arova Halle

by car:

Entrance Arova Nord, Visitors parking lot: Spedihof

Data protection


Winzeler Coaching

Andrea Winzeler

Arova Halle

Winterthurerstrasse 713

8247 Flurlingen

Tel: (+41) 077/531 67 47


Sunset in Barzheim, Sonnenuntergangsstimmung in Barzheim

"If you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change."

Wayne Dyer

Weg in den Horizont, Way into horizon
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